About buddy®

QOL Limited manufacture buddy® covers which are designed to protect wound dressings & plaster casts from water, at home on holiday or in hospital.

QOL stands for ‘quality of life’ and buddy® covers empower anyone with an injured arm or leg to improve not just their hygiene through showering and bathing, but allow reduced recovery and rehabilitation times in the hydrotherapy and swimming pool. Independence and dignity are a major factor for recovery wherever you are.

The unique waterproof seal is both gentle and snug, placing very little pressure on delicate skin making buddy suitable for babies and the elderly alike. They were designed initially for an elderly aunt with leg ulcers.

 buddy®  PICC line/Isolated wound covers have 2 apertures specifically for isolated areas on legs and arms to keep feet and hands free.  Having a shower in hospital with a PICC line in situ now becomes a dignified and private experience.

The leg and arm covers are manufactured in different lengths;

– The foot to the ankle – Short leg (SL)
– The foot and calf to below the knee – Medium leg (ML)
– The leg to the thigh – Long leg (LL)

– The hand to just above the wrist – Short arm (SA)
– The hand and lower arm to the elbow – Medium arm (MA)
– We will shortly be introducing a Long arm product – (LA)

The arm products are also suitable for below the knee and above the knee amputees.

Our leg products and PICC line/Isolated wound products are now available on prescription from your Doctor.

Please refer to our instructions for more information.